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New directions in the philosophy of science

Édité parDennis Dieks Stephan Hartmann Thomas Uebel Marcel Weber Maria Carla Galavotti


This volume sheds light on still unexplored issues and raises new questions in the main areas addressed by the philosophy of science. Bringing together selected papers from three main events, the book presents the most advanced scientific results in the field and suggests innovative lines for further investigation. It explores how discussions on several notions of the philosophy of science can help different scientific disciplines in learning from each other. Finally, it focuses on the relationship between Cambridge and Vienna in twentieth century philosophy of science. The areas examined in the book are: formal methods, the philosophy of the natural and life sciences, the cultural and social sciences, the physical sciences, and the history of the philosophy of science.

Détails | Table des matières

Things in possible experiments

case-intensional logic as a framework for tracing things from case to case

Thomas Müller

The proof is in the process

a preamble for a philosophy of computer-assisted mathematics

Liesbeth De Mol

In no categorical terms

a sketch for an alternative route to a humean interpretation of laws

Kerry McKenzie

Good just isn't good enough

Humean chances and Boltzmannian statistical physics

Claus Beisbart

Lost in translation

a comment on "noncommutative causality in algebraic quantum field theory"

Dustin Lazarovici

Pragmatism and European philosophy

William James and the French-Italian connection

Massimo Ferrari


Détails de la publication

Maison d'édition: Springer

Lieu de publication: Dordrecht

Année: 2014

Pages: 643

Collection: The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective

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: 5

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04382-1

ISBN (hardback): 978-3-319-04381-4

ISBN (digital): 978-3-319-04382-1

Citation complète:

Dieks Dennis, Hartmann Stephan, Uebel Thomas, Weber Marcel, Galavotti Maria Carla (éd.), 2014, New directions in the philosophy of science. Dordrecht, Springer.