Linguistique de l’écrit
Revue internationale en libre accès
Revue | Auteurs
Art's way
John Baldacchino
in: Art's way out, Rotterdam : SensePublishers
Childhood's grammar
Culture's learning
Exit pedagogy
Modernity's children
Outwith beauty
Strong empathy
Weak art?
Weak reality
Within happiness
Art's way out
Édité parJohn Baldacchino
Rotterdam, SensePublishers
Art after beauty
in: Beauty's appeal, Dordrecht : Springer
Between the ironic and the irenic
in: Virtues and passions in literature, Dordrecht : Springer
Between illusions
in: Human creation between reality and illusion, Dordrecht : Springer
The convergent "I"
in: Imaginatio creatrix, Dordrecht : Kluwer