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Revue internationale en libre accès
Revue | Auteurs
The law of causality and its limits
Philipp FrankRobert S Cohen
Dordrecht, Springer
Philosophies of nature: the human dimension
Édité parRobert S CohenAlfred Tauber
Ethics and science
Robert S Cohen
in: Science and the quest for reality, Dordrecht : Springer
Issues and images in the philosophy of science
Édité parDimitri Ginev(Софийски университет Св Климент Охридски)Robert S Cohen
Mexican studies in the history and philosophy of science
Édité parRobert S Cohen
The concept of knowledge
Édité parIoanna Kuuradi Robert S Cohen
Québec studies in the philosophy of science, part I
Édité parMathieu Marion Robert S Cohen
Zygmunt Zawirski: his life and work
Irena Lachman Robert S Cohen
Artifacts, representations and social practice
Édité parCarol C. Gould Robert S Cohen
Georg Simmel and contemporary sociology
Édité parMichael KaernBernard S. PhillipsRobert S Cohen