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transformations of body, materials and earth

Édité parMike Anusas(University of Edinburgh)Cristián Simonetti


In attending to surfaces, as they wrap, layer and grow within sentient bodies, material formations and cosmological states, this volume presents a series of ten anthropological studies stretching across five continents and in observation of earthly practices of making, knowing, living and dying. Through theoretically reflecting on time spent with Aymara and Mapuche Andean cultures; the Malagasy people of Madagascar; craftspeople and designers across Europe and Oceania; amongst the architectures of Australia and South Korea and within the folds of books, screens, landscape and the sea, the anthropologists in this volume communicate diverse ways of considering, working with and knowing surfaces. Together, these writings advance a knowledge of the world which resists any definitive settlement of existential categories and rather seeks to know the world in its emergence and transformation, as entities grow, cohere, shift, dissolve, decay and are reborn through the contact and exchange of surfaces, persisting with varying time, power and effect. The book principally invites readers from anthropology, the creative arts and environmental studies, but also across the wider humanities and social sciences as well as those in neighbouring scientific fields of archaeology, biology, geography, geoscience, material science, neurology and psychology interested in the intersections of mind, body, materials and world.

Détails de la publication

Maison d'édition: Routledge

Lieu de publication: Abingdon

Année: 2020

Pages: 208

Collection: Routledge Studies in Anthropology

ISBN (hardback): 9781138126299

ISBN (paperback): 9781032238159

ISBN (digital): 9781315646947

Citation complète:

Anusas Mike, Simonetti Cristián (éd.), 2020, Surfaces: transformations of body, materials and earth. Abingdon, Routledge.