Linguistique de l’écrit

Revue internationale en libre accès

Livre | Chapitre


Logic in the Brentano school

Peter Simons

pp. 305-321


The term "the Brentano School' will here be understood to comprise Brentano and his immediate students, that is, those who studied with him either in Würzburg or in Vienna. In practice, those whose contributions to logic I shall consider in any depth number precisely three: Brentano himself, Meinong, and Husserl. I shall not consider students of students of Brentano, for although some of these, in particular Ernst Mally and Jan Lukasiewicz, contributed to logic, they cannot be reckoned among the Brentano School: Mally belongs to Meinong and Graz, Lukasiewicz to Twardowski and Lvov (later to Warsaw). However, I shall briefly survey the influence of the Brentano School at the end.

Détails de la publication

Publié dans:

Albertazzi Liliana, Poli Roberto (1996) The school of Franz Brentano. Dordrecht, Nijhoff.

Pages: 305-321

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-8676-4_12

Citation complète:

Simons Peter, 1996, Logic in the Brentano school. In L. Albertazzi & R. Poli (eds.) The school of Franz Brentano (305-321). Dordrecht, Nijhoff.