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Revue internationale en libre accès

Livre | Chapitre


Anton Marty (1847–1914)

Liliana Albertazzi

pp. 83-108


Anton Marty, like Brentano, was a pupil of Trendelenburg, and then subsequently studied under Brentano himself — one of the small circle of disciples which included Stumpf, Kastil, Eisenmeyer and Kraus1 The friendship and the intellectual collaboration between Marty and Brentano persisted throughout their lifetimes: in fact they often spent their holidays together in Schönbühl and would go on short journeys together. Like Brentano, moreover, Marty joined holy orders, and like him, although independently, renounced his calling after the First Vatican Council.

Détails de la publication

Publié dans:

Albertazzi Liliana, Poli Roberto (1996) The school of Franz Brentano. Dordrecht, Nijhoff.

Pages: 83-108

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-8676-4_3

Citation complète:

Albertazzi Liliana, 1996, Anton Marty (1847–1914). In L. Albertazzi & R. Poli (eds.) The school of Franz Brentano (83-108). Dordrecht, Nijhoff.