Linguistique de l’écrit

Revue internationale en libre accès

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The fourth issue of Acta Structuralica contains new source materials from major figures: an unknown short publication by Saussure from 1896, edited and commented by Alesandro Chidichimo, as well 35 letters between Jakobson and Lévi-Strauss from the MIT Jakobson Papers, selected and commented by Pierre-Yves Testenoire. In addition, it offers the English translation of a key work by Hendrik Pos, "The notion of opposition in linguistics", along with the (original) English version of an article by Patrick Flack available until now only in its German translation, and a new contribution on Tran Duc Thao by Jacopo D'Alonzo.

Détails | Table des matières

Détails de la publication

Revue: Acta Structuralica

Volume: 4

Année: 2019

Citation complète:

Aurora Simone (dir.), 2019, Acta Structuralica 4.