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The guide to Gethsemane

anxiety, suffering, death

Emmanuel Falque

Traduit par George Hughes


Already widely debated upon its publication in French, this book offers a provocative account of Christ’s Passion in terms not of faith but of a “credible Christianity” that can remain meaningful to nonbelievers. For Falque, anxiety, suffering, and death are not simply the “ills” of our society but the essential horizon of what we confront as humans. Doubtful of Heidegger’s famous statement that the notion of salvation renders Christians unable authentically to experience anxiety in the face of death, Falque explores the Passion with a radical emphasis on the physicality and corporeality of Christ’s suffering and death, and on continuities with the mortality of our bodies. Written in the wake of a friend’s death, Falques’s study is theologically and philosophically rigorous, yet engagingly written and deeply humane.

Détails de la publication

Maison d'édition: Fordham University Press

Lieu de publication: New York

Année: 2018

Pages: 200

Collection: Perspectives in Continental Philosophy

ISBN (hardback): 9780823281954

Citation complète:

Falque Emmanuel, 2018, The guide to Gethsemane: anxiety, suffering, death. New York, Fordham University Press.