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Legal reality and its a priori foundations-a question of acting or interpreting?

Felix Kaufmann, fritz schreier and their critique of Adolf Reinach

Sophie Loidolt(TU Darmstadt)

pp. 47-73

Détails de la publication

Publié dans:

Salice Alessandro, Schmid Hans Bernhard (2016) The phenomenological approach to social reality: History, concepts, problems. Dordrecht, Springer.

Pages: 47-73

Citation complète:

Loidolt Sophie, 2016, Legal reality and its a priori foundations-a question of acting or interpreting?: Felix Kaufmann, fritz schreier and their critique of Adolf Reinach. In A. Salice & H.B. Schmid (eds.) The phenomenological approach to social reality (47-73). Dordrecht, Springer.