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The problem of rationality in the social world

A lecture delivered at the faculty club of harvard University on april 13th, 1940

Alfred Schütz

pp. 6-24

Détails de la publication

Publié dans:

Schütz Alfred (1996) Collected papers IV, ed. Helmut R Wagner; George Psathas; Frederick Kersten; . Dordrecht, Kluwer.

Pages: 6-24

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-1077-0_2

Citation complète:

Schütz Alfred, 1996, The problem of rationality in the social world: A lecture delivered at the faculty club of harvard University on april 13th, 1940. In A. Schütz Collected papers IV (6-24). Dordrecht, Kluwer.