Linguistique de l’écrit

Revue internationale en libre accès

Revue | Auteurs


Dan Zahavi

Center for Subjectivity Research, Københavns Universitet

Dan Zahavi, "Husserl's Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy

Phenomenology of Solidarity: Community, Practice and Politics, Gdańsk

21st April 2018

Recognition and asymmetrical reciprocity: Edmund Husserl and Iris Marion Young

I, Thou, and We: Phenomenological Perspectives, Copenhagen

3rd May 2018

Phenomenology and qualitative research

Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind 2018, Copenhagen

13th August 2018

Embodied Communities: Walther, Gurwitsch and Yack

Time, the Body, and the Other: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches, Heidelberg

13th September 2018


Methodology in Interdisciplinary Phenomenology, Pittsburgh

Observation, Participation, Communication: the Role of the Second-Person

Zurück zu den Sachen selbst. Die Praxis der Phänomenologie, Jena

28th September 2022

Buchvorstellung "Bewusstsein und Welt"

Beunruhigungen der Normalität, Heidelberg

21st September 2023

You! A challenge to self-sceptics and neuro-representationalists

Beunruhigungen der Normalität, Heidelberg

22nd September 2023