Sophie Loidolt
TU Darmstadt
Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität und das Politische
Die Phänomenologie und das Politische, Hagen
14th September 2017
Dan Zahavi, "Husserl's Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy
Phenomenology of Solidarity: Community, Practice and Politics, Gdańsk
21st April 2018
"Who one is" - a political issue? Hannah Arendt on personhood, maximal self, and bare life
Phenomenology and Personal Identity, Prague
30th November 2018
Phänomenologie und die Grenzen der Metaphysik: Zeitlichkeit, Differenz, Ontologie, Wuppertal
Human, not enough human, Venezia
Hannah Arendt on plurality, basic activities, and different forms of the we
Hannah Arendt on plurality, basic activities, and different forms of the we, Copenhagen
4th March 2019
In-der-Öffentlichkeit-Sein. Beschreibungsversuche
Zurück zu den Sachen selbst. Die Praxis der Phänomenologie, Jena
29th September 2022