Linguistique de l’écrit

Revue internationale en libre accès

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Ronald N. Giere

Models in science and in learning science


Cynthia PassmoreJulia Svoboda GouveaRonald N. Giere

in: International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching, Dordrecht : Springer

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Incommensurability from a modelling perspective


Ronald N. Giere

in: Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison, Dordrecht : Springer

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Patterns of interaction among philosophers of science and cognitive scientists


Ronald N. Giere

in: In the scope of logic, methodology and philosophy of science II, Dordrecht : Springer

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Explaining scientific revolutions


Ronald N. Giere

in: Issues and images in the philosophy of science, Dordrecht : Springer

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The feminism question in the philosophy of science


Ronald N. Giere

in: Feminism, science, and the philosophy of science, Dordrecht : Springer

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The cognitive study of science


Ronald N. Giere

in: The process of science, Dordrecht : Springer

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